
Coaching Staff
Head Coach - Olten Downs
Head 9th Coach -
Team Asst. -
Asst. HC/WR/Recruiting Coordinator - Jamal Jackson
Offensive Coordinator -
Offensive Line - Joseph Myricks
Quarterback's/ JV OC - Michael Thimas
Running Backs -
CornerBacks/JV DC - Dantriez Ligon
Safeties - D
Inside Linebacker/Special Team Coordinator/ CO DC - Evan Mann
Outside Linebackers -
Defensive Line -
Asst. Linebackers -
Asst. WR's - Joshua Williams
JV Football

Varsity Football

Mission Statement
The mission of the Jaguar Football Program is not only to develop athletic excellence, but to provide a positive and motivating environment that encourages
excellence in the lives of our athletes and staff.
Player Mission Statement
-We must put TEAM First
-We must trust one another
-We must execute on every play
-We must not be complacent
-We must stay in top condition by making nutrition, sleep, and time in the
weight room a priority
-We must ALWAYS play to win
Coaches Mission Statement
Honor HIM in all you do
Be totally sold out to helping our players reach their full potential
as a person, student, and player
Be a great example of what we are trying to teach our players
Don't do anything that would destroy what we are trying to build
Don't make excuses and always work to get better